[s-cars] car review needed on 2002 C32 AMG

Bob DG bobs6 at msn.com
Thu Sep 8 16:34:29 EDT 2005

C32 C43 of that era have transmissions that are prone to fail...

>From: Brian Armstead <barmstea at IBB.GOV>
>To: chris chambers <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com>
>CC: Scar <s-car-list at audifans.com>
>Subject: Re: [s-cars] car review needed on 2002 C32 AMG
>Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 10:04:44 -0400
>The 1997 C32 AMG was the first official collaboration between German
>tuner AMG and Benz.  Current models are quite a sweet package, but
>expect high repair bills as some parts are specific to that car (mostly
>engine though).  Upgrades to the brakes and suspension keep the
>horsepower in line.
>Here in the Washington, D.C. area, I know of a mint 1997 with 79k going
>for $18,500, so he can use this as a point of reference.  The guy who
>owns the car has a pair of them (both 97s) and is a BMW mechanic! I
>asked him why he does not own a Bimmer, and he said it's been his
>experience that Benzos are more durable.
>Definitely get the extended warranty, it will pay for itself with one
>repair bill.
>93 S4
>94 Benz E320 Cabriolet
>94 Golf
>chris chambers wrote:
> >
> > Gentz,
> >
> > I have a friend who test drove an off lease Mercedes C32 AMG 5sp Auto.
> >
> > He is current car is an OLD BMW, so after scraping the smile off his
> > face he asked me to see what I could find out about this AMG.
> >
> > So does anybody know anything about this model? This example has 32,000
> >
> > miles on it and the dealer has stated he can extend the warranty to
> > 100,000 miles with no restriction on years for $1,600.
> >
> > Thoughts?
> >
> > Thaks
> > Chris
> >
> > AUDI - Accelerates Under Demonic Influence.
> >
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