[s-cars] Coils

bill mahoney airbil at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 22:27:28 EDT 2005

Bob enquired
"1. Where is the best price, is $120 US pretty much the going rate and
is there a good Canadian source at the equivalent rate?
2. When you purchase the coils do you get the thermo wire insulator as
well, if not, is it an Audi part?"

Just assume any advice from me should start with YMMV;)
I've lived and installed and reinstalled through too many issues to iterate:/
but nothing is so great as the full boost pull to 7k in all gears.
Otherwise we'd get neon's.
WRT 1.)  I got these for US$95 after much searching and searching and
waiting and then I think they came out of the ether and tried raising
the price a bit when Paul K went to get them there.  He then went and
got them for about that price ... somewhere else.  Perhaps he will
chime in here?  If not email me tomorrow and I'll try to find my
source again, but they should be able to be had for $100 or so.
2.)I used some of this thermowrap here as reusing the old insulation
is too difficult.

Finally the Paul Gailus post WRT coil testing is well worth revisiting
and though I have not tried it yet it should be excellent as a
Someones got to try it huh?
Bill~no shift till 7k~M

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