[s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and Camber - What's *the* Solution?
Chris Ludlow
pacludlow at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 23 22:11:03 EDT 2005
Perhaps another group buy with 2B should be set up to save some $? It seems
as though a few people are upgrading their suspensions now or in the near
future (myself included). Personally I'd rather go the 2B route as opposed
to the ECS but cost has been prohibitive for myself and many. Perhaps the
group buy would go over well. ?
2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px'><font
style='FONT-SIZE:11px;FONT-FAMILY:tahoma,sans-serif'><hr color=#A0C6E5
From: <i>Mark Pollan <mark.pollan at mci.com></i><br>To: <i>'Gabriel
Caldwell' <gabriel at ts.bc.ca>,'LL - NY'
<larrycleung at gmail.com></i><br>CC:
<i>s-car-list at audifans.com</i><br>Subject: <i>Re: [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein
and Camber - What's *the* Solution?</i><br>Date: <i>Fri, 23 Sep 2005
18:56:42 -0400</i><br>>I appear to have a dilemma. Below are pros and
cons as I see 'em.<br>><br>><br>><br>>ECS Pros: Saves expensive
rubber, less expensive (@ $250), saves expensive<br>>rubber, retains
stock bonded rubber upper strut mount, saves
expensive<br>>rubber.<br>><br>>ECS Cons: No caster adjustment,
"modification" needed to fender lip<br>>consisting of cutting
and/or bending, dis-assembly of suspension to install,<br>>ready made
version of Igor mod (so quite expensive after
all)<br>><br>><br>><br>>2B Pros: Saves expensive rubber, caster
adjustment, saves expensive rubber,<br>>does not require disassembly of
suspension to install (is this really<br>>true?), saves expensive
rubber.<br>><br>>2B Cons: Expensive (@ $600), noisy (is a stereo
upgrade required?)<br>><br>><br>><br>>Looking at or above $600
for a set of tires mounted and balanced every 15K<br>>or so miles, even
the 2B appears to be a "bargain". Any pros/cons I may<br>>have
Message-----<br>>From: Gabriel Caldwell
[mailto:gabriel at ts.bc.ca]<br>>Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 5:29
PM<br>>To: LL - NY<br>>Cc: Mark Pollan;
s-car-list at audifans.com<br>>Subject: RE: [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and
Camber - What's *the* Solution?<br>><br>><br>><br>>The strut
insert mount does not have a bonded rubber piece like
stock.<br>><br>><br>><br>>Gabriel Caldwell<br>><br>>
_____<br>><br>>From: LL - NY
[mailto:larrycleung at gmail.com]<br>>Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 2:19
PM<br>>To: Gabriel Caldwell<br>>Cc: Mark Pollan;
s-car-list at audifans.com<br>>Subject: Re: [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and
Camber - What's *the* Solution?<br>><br>><br>><br>>I'm confused,
what does Solid mean. It's three pieces. The mount to
the<br>><br>>tower, the sliding plate and the actual strut mount. The
plate can be moved<br>><br>>in two planes by rotation, so the sliders
can be oriented to slide
both<br>>laterally,<br>><br>>longitudinally and in between. I've
been considering doing the Igor mod to<br>>them<br>><br>>to gain a
bit more caster as other lister's have done. Just need time, lots<br>>of
it.<br>><br>><br>><br>>LL - NY<br>><br>><br>><br>>On
9/23/05, Gabriel Caldwell <gabriel at ts.bc.ca>
wrote:<br>><br>>IIRC the mounts are also solid, so be warned if you go
this route.<br>><br>><br>><br>>Gabriel Caldwell<br>><br>>
_____<br>><br>>From: LL - NY [mailto:
larrycleung at gmail.com]<br>>Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 10:54
AM<br>>To: Gabriel Caldwell<br>>Cc: Mark Pollan;
s-car-list at audifans.com<br>>Subject: Re: [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and
Camber - What's *the* Solution?<br>><br>><br>><br>>2Bennet
plates can also give you some postive caster if you don't<br>><br>>end
up using all of the travel on camber. Positive caster gives
you<br>><br>>better on center feel and centering and less positive
camber gain<br>><br>>while turning, IOW, an advantage in
9/23/05, Gabriel Caldwell < <mailto:gabriel at ts.bc.ca>
gabriel at ts.bc.ca><br>>wrote:<br>><br>>ECS camber plates. Some
people can get away with slotting some can't.<br>>My alignment came to
within factory specs with slotted mounts.<br>><br>>Gabriel
Caldwell<br>><br>><br>>-----Original Message-----<br>>From: Mark
Pollan [mailto:mark.pollan at mci.com]<br>>Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005
10:33 AM<br>>To: s-car-list at audifans.com<br>>Subject: [s-cars]
Eibach/Bilstein and Camber - What's *the* Solution?<br>><br>>All
Suspension Heads:<br>><br>><br>><br>>Patient is a 95.5 S6 with
Eibach/Bilstein set up for over 2 years now.<br>>In<br>>about 12K
miles of driving the inside edges of the tires was
showing<br>>metal.<br>>I am currently at a - 1.3 camber on the fronts.
I have further slotted<br>>the<br>>upper strut mounts and maybe have
2 or 3mm more before the mount hits<br>>the<br>>metal lip. Russ
Sutherlin was most gracious and provided me with is<br>>determination
that the Igor offset of 4mm would change my camber
by<br>>0.267<br>>degrees. That however would negate the additional
camber I would gain<br>>by<br>>further slotting the upper strut mount.
My last set of tires cost @<br>>$600<br>>with mounting and
balancing.<br>><br>><br>><br>>Short of going back to stock
suspension (ain't happening), what's a guy<br>>to<br>>do to gain
around 0.8 degrees of camber? After market camber plates are<br>>most
certainly a consideration if'n the will get me where I want to
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