[s-cars] Which Big Brake kit

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Fri Sep 23 12:06:58 EDT 2005

If you don't reverse the calipers so that the smaller piston hits first,
you'll experience very uneven pad wear. I initially did not swap the
crossover pipes because I had someone else install my brakes- because of
this, after a few track events, the front pads were less than 2mm on one end
of the pad, while the other end was 8-9mm. That's pretty bad. After swapping
crossover pipes, I did not have any issues.
 Anyone know a good source for a nice pad spreader tool for Brembo calipers?

 On 9/23/05, Toborg Michael (AC-SM/ESC3) * <Michael.Toborg at us.bosch.com>
> Yep, smaller piston first. I think it is so that the pads don't taper as
> much. You can really see it on motorcycle brakes when there is an insert
> to remove the piston through the back of the caliper.
> Mike

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