[s-cars] Spark Plugs

matt ludwig matt.ludwig2 at verizon.net
Tue Sep 13 21:15:10 EDT 2005

completely not true at all.

believe me when i say this, it is coming from someone who OPENLY  
admits I am one of the lesser knowledgeable people(s) on this list  
and do not mean to come off sounding like a d!ck, but i suggest you  
read a little bit about turbocharging principals and more  
importantly, about detonation w/ regard to compression.

it is far from this simple a reduction in logic. if this were true,  
then then the old Pacer's here acting as Taxi's would run the same  
plugs as a new GTS. hardly the case...


matt ludwig.
Lima, Peru

On Sep 13, 2005, at 8:03 PM, Bill Clancy wrote:

> I don't know how to take that...  ;-|
> I'm just a little sore that I've been ripped off by mechanics who  
> put in the
> "good stuff."   If one oil or plug is really better than another...  
> then the
> idea should apply to all cars, not just to the dreaded Audi S- 
> car.     ;-)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "mlp" <mlped at qwest.net>
> To: "'Bill Clancy'" <clancybill at yahoo.com>; "'northrup'"
> <northrup at crazybug.com>; <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2005 5:46 PM
> Subject: RE: [s-cars] Spark Plugs
>> Mr. Clancy, in the middle ages people were broken on the wheel, &  
>> burned
>> at
>> the stake for opinions far less inflammatory than these.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: s-car-list On Behalf Of Bill Clancy
>>> IS there really any difference?
>>> In my experience, unless one of my spark plugs (on any car I
>>> have owned) was
>>> seriously burned out, I can't feel any difference when
>>> replacing the plugs.
>>> To me it's like changing the oil...
>>> As for plugs in the S6. .... I just pulled them out and put in $3
>>> autolites or maybe champions...
>>> (I forget exactly... I think they were on sale). The
>>> car runs exactly the same, right down to the occasional knock
>>> and ping.
>>> BTW, I have the same theory on motor oil. ...    Safeway brand  
>>> Oil would
>>> have been just fine.
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