[s-cars] I guess no one warned them about S//Fest?

mlp mlped at qwest.net
Wed Sep 21 01:01:55 EDT 2005

taken from http://www.slate.com/id/2126321/?GT1=6900  

For simplicity's sake-Slate still lacks a supercomputer to handle massive
number-crunching assignments-we automatically eliminated the 30 states with
the most declared disasters. .....

After much debate, then, we settled on Slate's "America's Best Place to
Avoid Death Due to Natural Disaster": the area in and around Storrs, Conn.,
home to the University of Connecticut. It lies in Tolland County, which was
not part of the 1999 federal disaster declaration for Tropical Storm Floyd.
It's a safe 50 miles from the sound and not close to any rivers. It also has
relatively easy access to a major city (Hartford) in the event an evacuation
or hospitalization becomes necessary.*

This conclusion is by no means scientific, nor can safety ever be completely

Some one needs to warn these number crunchers about Paul, Rossato, Pizzo et
al. and S//Fest '06!

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