[s-cars] list wisdom request: clutch woes

brian hoeft surlyq at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 12:43:06 EDT 2005

so i was left once again with the suction cup to the floor type clutch pedal 
action this morning... thankfully in between shifts, i felt the drop then 
mumbled fhk,ckskr,mthrfkr,fck,snfa,fck,mthrfk!!!!!

so im 'hypothesizing' clutch master cylinder... slave cylinder is new as of 
last summer. and please please correct me if im wrong, but the symptoms of 
throwout bearing failure are not that of a hydraulik system failure, 

i have a t/o bearing, guide sleeve, spring and bushing i just received for a 
noisy t/o bearing i planned on replacing when i have to drop my exhaust 
anyways to replace the cat to cure my boost issues. but i dont think if it 
failed (t/o bearing that is) i would have this type of pedal symptom. am i 
wrong? could it be the t/o bearing?

clutch master; doesnt look leaky initially from removing the panels below 
it, but leaks can be internal and not visible always correct?

if its a hose, well i have them used and willing to make due, but i dont 
think using a master cyl with 100k is worth it being that this could happen 
again, and its a real pain to swap.

special thanks to chris semple(force5) for almost selling me the MC... i was 
on the road and wound up being towed to a shop that im friendly with. so 
being that they're going to let me use their lot to wrench myself, i figured 
the least i could do was respectfully pay them to get me the part... & while 
im at it also, im going to utilize their press to replace my wheel bearing.

so it kinda works out, for now,, im just hoping it is the MC, i can swap it 
tomorrow, get the bearing pressed and still make it to h2o.
so whats my point??? i guess,, anybody have helpful advice for things to 
know about MC replacement?, could it be the T/O bearing? or any other words 
of wisdom?
 maybe keep a lookout for the whole story with pics on audiworld...
 thanks, -brian

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