[s-cars] 4-pin POS-equivalent connectors for coil pack conversions

Dave Forgie forgied at ae.ca
Wed Aug 2 11:41:00 EDT 2006

Douglas:  The "insulator" (connector) is empty.  Check out the invoice
 I posted on AudiWorld.  I also ordered the male pins (empty, no wires)

and the little silicon rubber grommets to seal the wires coming into
connector (that you/we/I would have to add).  It could be that these
 would also work in the coil pack connectors. (I haven't tried yet). 
$0.81 per pin, they are cheaper than those offered on EagleDay.

Dave F.

>>> "Douglas Fifield" <douglas.fifield at gmail.com> 08/01/06 06:54PM >>>

Does the "insulator" come with wiring attached for splicing, or is it
just the connector block and you have to insert the existing pins?


On 8/1/06, Dave Forgie <forgied at ae.ca> wrote:
> I have previously posted the details about the part numbers for
> connectors (or "insulators" in Volvo-speak).  I ordered them back in
> June
> 21st; however,  there was a back order on one so I never picked them
> up
> . Last one just came today (had to come from Sweden via Germany
> (AMP?)).  Its perfect equivalent to the four pin end of our OE POS
> units.
> As a result, it should be useful to those doing any DIY coil
> conversions,
> either 1.8t or high out put coils (with built-in POSs).
> A copy of my invoice is posted at:
> http://forums.audiworld.com/s4s6/msgs/128997.phtml 
> Dave F.
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Douglas in MN
95.5 Audi S//6 Avant
73 BMW R60/5 mit Toaster Tank

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