[s-cars] //SFest - update

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Wed Aug 2 13:54:09 EDT 2006

Good afternoon, lunatics-

A quick update for ya's, before I leave Sat. for the beach for 2 weeks
and am in radio-silence.  As of today I count what looks to be 30 UrS
cars confirmed - that's already about what we had last year and I know
there's a bunch more of you yet to reply that are coming.  Pretty cool.

On *that* note...

There are a bunch more of you yet to reply that are coming - get with it
(at least a handful of those in that boat did email me today and redeem
themselves).  Need I name names???  Naaaaaa.  Remember, the more
advanced planning we can do based upon head count = the better an
//SFest for you all.  If you know you're coming, reply.  If you want to
come, email me for an evite and, um, REPLY.

More annoying are those who replied (thanks) - yet 'forgot' to pay pal.
Make poor Steve's job of manning the gate all the more seamless and PAY
PAL already.  You know who you are.  If you can't / won't pay pal, email
me for my mailing address and send a check please.  Again, this makes
for a better event for everyone.

Interestingly, of those of you to reply, we've got //Festers coming
alllllllllll the wayway from TN / NC / WV / IL / MI / DC / PA / NY / MA
/ VT / ME / Montreal...  lions and tigers and bears - oh my!
Impressive, gents, impressive.

I certainly <<<as always>>> have some interesting surprises up me grubby
little sleeves for you - rest assured.  You want the truth you can't
handle the truth.  Beware, be warned, and in the immortal words of
Vincent's t-shirt...  MUWhahahahahaaa, pardon.  I'm making the final
barrel selections shortly... as usual they're not for the squeamish -
girlie men need not apply.  The raffle's got some killer bits streaming
in.  The outhouse has Pizzo's name on it.  Rossato's portashower is
ready for install.  We're near ready to go - brace yerselves - we've got
last years' event firmly in the crosshairs and are aiming for maximum

I will issue a final update with last minute detail / instruction likely
Monday 8/21, stay tooned.

Any questions, email me.  Otherwise, see you in 23-24 days (23 for the
early / far away arrivals)...

-Paul beachbound K.
CT home of shenanigans / debauchery / Just Not Right

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