[s-cars] installing a hybrid turbo

Jim Green jim.green at gmail.com
Fri Aug 11 22:56:10 EDT 2006

 Eric, I haven't been following all of this and I'm replying on my way to
the bar, but Dawson has given you some very good info.  I ran the 50 trim
K04E/stage III T3 on the 10vt for a very long time, it was by far the best
street journal bearing street turbo out there.  I do have to disagree with
Dave about the GT turbos though.  I'm running a GT35R on the 20vt right now
and it has made me a real believer of the BB turbos.  I think Dave and I
have very different ideas of acceptable lag though just so you know.  The
GT3071 is proving to be a favorite among many ur-s owners.

> --
> Jim Green
> '89 90 GT35R quattro
> '89 80q
> http://www.mswanson.com/~jgreen/car_home.html

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