[s-cars] auto close
Theodore Chen
tedebearp at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 18 05:09:47 EDT 2006
mark, i suggest you yank the J139 sunroof/window relay (in the driver's
side footwell, behind the kickpanel) immediately. don't let it sit there
clicking rapidly, because it will die soon. and when it does, you'll
find it's not a cheap relay, nor is it easy to find.
i had to replace my relay. i also cut the yellow wire at the V94
central lock/alarm unit under the rear seat. the only functionality
affected was the auto sunroof/window close when you hold the key in
the lock position in the door, and i never used it anyway. it did
occur to me that a nice tweak would be to tie the yellow wire into my
keyless entry system (to add RF control to my IR alarm system). i'd have
to find a way to create a continuous signal to the J139 relay. maybe
one of these days.
--- Robert Rossato <bob.rossato_af at cox.net> wrote:
> Mark,
> I believe your problem is related to the central vacuum pump or control
> module under the rear seat. These were problematic on the '92 S4s.
> Rather than cutting the wire I would replace it with one from a later
> car, like '94 S4/100 or '95 A6/S6, which should take care of it.
> Old p/n: 4A0 862 257B
> New p/n : 4A0 862 257J
> I plan on checking on getting some toluene for you. Just haven't had
> the time this week, but I will be on "vacation" next week so I'll have
> time to go get some. You wanted a 55gal drum, right? Should last you
> for a few years.
> Bob
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
> > [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Mark Strangways
> > Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 8:39 PM
> > To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> > Subject: [s-cars] auto close
> >
> >
> > While at risk of having every other s-car with-in e-mail
> > distance decide to get inflicted with the same issue...
> >
> > Since getting the car back form the painter, there has been a
> > few issues.
> > Lately, a relay from the drivers kick panel area has been
> > chattering after shut down. Also caused by the same problem
> > is a handy feature where the car rolls up all the windows and
> > locks the doors, all on it's own. Very handy, until you leave
> > keys in the car. Lastly the battery gets killed overnight by
> > something (likely the chattering relay).
> >
> > I have seen (read) about this before, and the answer was to
> > cut a wire I think.
> > List wisdom ??
> >
> > Oh, and no one going to the paint store ?
> >
> > Mark
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