[s-cars] FW: Message about Northeast //SFest 2006

Igor Kessel KBATPO at comcast.net
Sat Aug 19 10:02:09 EDT 2006

OK, it looks like I will be joining in after all. The silly me needs 
some education on the e-vite tho...

Up top it sez: $25 per person
Down below it sez: $25 per car, $10 per adult passenger, kids free

Since the popular slogan goes: "on the road of life there are passengers 
and there are drivers"© this uncertainty raises a few questions.

If I come by myself, in a car (he-he, I am glad to see that Ladas are 
welcome too) am I considered a passenger, or an intrinsic part of the 
car, half a man/half a machine? Akin to the ancient Centaur. How much 
should I pay in this case?

And what if I come with a kid? Say, a 24 y/o niece? :)

Or show up accompanied by a quartet of heavy drinking Russian buddies in 
the same Lada?

Please advise

Igor "trigger finger above the mouse button on the PayPal site" Kessel

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