[s-cars] wheel offset and tire width

forrest bradshaw sola4est at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 23 04:12:52 EST 2006

thanks for the help, I had asumed someone has experience with an ET32,  I thought Hap was running ET30 BBS for a little while, (I could be  wrong, faint memory)
  my math brakes it down as:
  255 on ET35 adds 15mm to tire outside edge from standard 225 ET35
  235 on ET32 adds 8mm to tire outside edge from standard 225 ET35
  245 on ET32 adds 13mm to tire outside edge from standard 225 ET35
  I assume that if a 255 ET35 fits than a 245 ET32 would as well?   would it out stick 2mm less than the 255?  I do not understand  what sidewall height does to tire width, but guess that a shorter  sidewall would allow wider tread?  I understand sticking with  factory rolling daimeter, thats a must.  I am not second guessing  you Brian, just gaining better understanding, thanks for the BTDT.
  what tire brand is ideal to look into that is not over $200 per tire, some brands run wider than others?
  Forrest wanting to fit all the rubber he can (eh, haha)
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