[s-cars] Front brake research continues...

Dave Forgie forgied at direct.ca
Thu Feb 9 02:51:45 EST 2006

I don't  know why nobody has mentioned this but the Porsche rotor hats
are just not compatible with our cars for several reasons, the easiest
one is the bolt circle is all wrong.  This, and the offset, is likely
why BIRA (Greg Amy and Greg Johnson) and ECS came up with their own
designs for the hats.

On a related note, I have BIRA System 1 Brackets S/N 003 and 004 on my
car.  They are aluminum but massive chunks of a good alloy (as I
remember) and the threaded parts have steel inserts.  I have never
worried for a second in the 7 years they have been on the car.  On the
other hand, I have seen the cloned RS2 brackets (CNC'd from a chunk of
steel) and they seem very skinny to me.  (Yes, Virginia, I understand
steel is stronger than aluminum so don't bother pointing that out).

What would I do if I was to do it all over again?  BIRA System 3
(Boxster S calipers and the bigger A8 rotors) or the Big Red/Blacks with
reall RS2 brackets based on cost and performance. System 6 for the
Porsche rings is just too much money to spend for a car that will
rarely, if ever see a track.  However, my medium greys are just fine.

Dave F.

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