[s-cars] Jacking (was Re: Rear brake saga - will the questions *never* end?)

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 10 20:51:36 EST 2006

--- Djdawson2 at aol.com wrote:

> If you jack on the subframe with something (a 2 x 4) to distribute the  load,
> you won't crush the subframe, and you don't risk cracking the front  
> windsheild from twisting the car by jacking on one side.  BTDT with the 
> windsheild.

was that on the UrS4?  the chassis seems quite stiff.  all the doors
are still aligned in their openings, and open and shut normally.
i checked this shortly after i got the car.  it was quite a change from
my mustang when i first got it.  that car was so flexible that i could
just about get one wheel up in the air and leave all the other wheels
on the ground, and the door would get stuck.  two long 2"x3" tubes
welded into the floorpan plus a rollcage fixed that.

i've also thought about just jacking in the center of the rocker panel
seams (between the front and rear doors), so i can get both wheels on
a side up in the air at the same time.

unfortunately, i live in california where we have expensive dinky little
homes with dinky little garages, so my jacking methods are influenced by
available space.

has anybody tried one of these air jacks?


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