[s-cars] Violent Deceleration Under WOT

Joseph Pizzimenti joe at betterbuildingservices.com
Sun Feb 5 02:06:36 EST 2006

Indirectly, it goes back to a MAF problem, as the amount of air measured by the MAF that is getting pulled through the impeller isn't getting all the way to the inlet manifold.

If you can't find the crack, take a trip to home depot, get some 2.5" PVC and thread a valve stem into an end cap.  Hook up to compressed air and you should hear it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Forgie <forgied at direct.ca>
Date: Sat, 04 Feb 2006 22:47:39 
To:s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: [s-cars] Violent Deceleration Under WOT

Tim:  It may well be the MAF but I believe you have described the
symptoms of a split "michelin man" cross-over to intercooler hose.  The
split will be in a valley of the corrugations (due to an accumulation of
oil and rotting of the rubber).  Under low boost pressures, the split
does not open up. However, as you push the throttle down, the split
opens up and releases all the boost, severely slowing the acceleration
of the car.

You need to remove the belly pan and the remove and inspect the MM
hose.  Bend it a bit until you can see the splits.  I am quite sure you
will find them.

If not, try the MAF connections as suggested.

Dave F.

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Joseph Pizzimenti

Better Building Services

551 Westchester Avenue

Rye Brook, NY 10573


Phone: (914) 939-3878

Fax: (914) 939-1637

Email: joe at betterbuildingservices.com


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