[s-cars] YeeHaaa!

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 13 03:20:43 EST 2006

--- Djdawson2 at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 2/10/2006 6:45:46 PM Mountain Standard Time,  
> tedebearp at yahoo.com writes:
> is there  somebody out there with a known stock wastegate who would
> like to  disconnect it briefly and answer this question for us?  it
> would be  helpful if the car were relatively stock as well.
> This is the funny thing, Ted.  Am I not somebody?  I've done this  many, many
> times, on quite a few cars for testing for a "no boost"  situation.  Despite 
> this, you question the concept.  Oh well...

aw, dave, don't be hurt.  :)

i just verified today that my car hits 20+ psi with the wastegate 
disconnected from the WGFV, and the previous owner of my
car (who did all the mods) said he never touched the wastegate spring.
so as far as i know, it's stock.  i also tried again to open up the
wastegate, but the top half is really stuck to the diaphragm.
it's not that i think you're wrong, but my car is making a lot more than
12 psi with the WG disconnected and i have no reason to doubt the previous
owner's statement that the wastegate hasn't been touched.  were the cars
you tested stock?  in colorado at altitude?

by the way, the low boost problem is back.  i wasn't sure if it might
be flaky O2 sensor connections, so i soldered all of them tonight, and
ordered a new WGFV anyway.  bob's experience with his car reminded me
that there could easily be more than one problem affecting my car.

bob, still curious about whether your old WGFV passed the output test.


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