[s-cars] YeeHaaa!

Chad Clark chadaclark4 at msn.com
Mon Feb 13 21:15:41 EST 2006

I just went out to confirm this. Disconnected wastegate frequency valve 
yields exactly 6psi boost, any and all gears. This is with the 3.0 VMAP 
sensor and related 1+ software, wastegate spring tension is stock. HTH,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Theodore Chen" <tedebearp at yahoo.com>
To: <Djdawson2 at aol.com>; <bob at chips-ur-s.com>
Cc: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 1:20 AM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] YeeHaaa!

> --- Djdawson2 at aol.com wrote:
>> In a message dated 2/10/2006 6:45:46 PM Mountain Standard Time,
>> tedebearp at yahoo.com writes:
>> is there  somebody out there with a known stock wastegate who would
>> like to  disconnect it briefly and answer this question for us?  it
>> would be  helpful if the car were relatively stock as well.
>> This is the funny thing, Ted.  Am I not somebody?  I've done this  many, 
>> many
>> times, on quite a few cars for testing for a "no boost"  situation. 
>> Despite
>> this, you question the concept.  Oh well...
> aw, dave, don't be hurt.  :)
> i just verified today that my car hits 20+ psi with the wastegate
> disconnected from the WGFV, and the previous owner of my
> car (who did all the mods) said he never touched the wastegate spring.
> so as far as i know, it's stock.  i also tried again to open up the
> wastegate, but the top half is really stuck to the diaphragm.
> it's not that i think you're wrong, but my car is making a lot more than
> 12 psi with the WG disconnected and i have no reason to doubt the previous
> owner's statement that the wastegate hasn't been touched.  were the cars
> you tested stock?  in colorado at altitude?
> by the way, the low boost problem is back.  i wasn't sure if it might
> be flaky O2 sensor connections, so i soldered all of them tonight, and
> ordered a new WGFV anyway.  bob's experience with his car reminded me
> that there could easily be more than one problem affecting my car.
> bob, still curious about whether your old WGFV passed the output test.
> -teddy
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