[s-cars] re. Euro Lights?

brian bilotti vinnieb2 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 15 14:16:23 EST 2006


I have to disagree on the reflector issue, DOT vs

First of all, I have had Euro C4 lights in Edwin much
the same as yours, relayed 100w lows and fogs and 130w
highs. I also found out the hard way that these hi
wattage lights deteriorate the aforementioned

The nice flat beam and 45 degree angle on the right
side of the road that's present on the Euros is
non-existent on the DOT's, just blurry light. There IS
marked difference, I know because I too thought I
could get by cheap when I got my avant. I bought new
Euro lenses and HID's and installed on the DOT's.

Bright light yes, nice flat cutoff no. Now I have
Euros and will never go back.

Just my $.02


Oh, BTW, my night vision sucks and now I can really
see the difference.

--- djdawson2 at aol.com wrote:

> Number 2 is a very fast project... involves removal
> and replacement of the glass lens.  The unfortunate
> thing about the UrS Euro lights, is that they don't
> have a different reflector than the US version.  It
> is this fact that, IMO, keeps them from being stelar
> imrpovements like the 5000/200 and UrQ euro lights.
> I never made any reference to the 90/Coupe lights,
> and have no experience wiith them... so I can't
> provide you any guidance there.
> HTH,
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ben Swann <benswann at comcast.net>
> To: djdawson2 at aol.com
> Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com; tim.dahm at gmail.com
> Sent: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 13:30:13 -0500
> Subject: re. Euro Lights?
> Please explain how the  (number 2) is done. I?m
> getting my first Coupe Quattro in 12 years, and my
> familiarity with the requirement for Eurolights
> extends to the 4000?s. 5000?s and 200?s which
> definitely made full advantage of the European
> lights with regard to the lenses.
> Are you saying the newer 90/Coupe Quattro has an
> adequate lens or that the lens can be upgraded to be
> as good or nearly as good as what the Euro lights
> offer.  I thought the Eurolights also utilised the
> reflector as part of the light focus, and lens,
> reflector, bulbs all together make a Eurolight what
> it is.
> Not disputing what has been said about the knockoff
> "European Specification" ones not doing the job.
> I would like to be able to upgrade the stock lights
> with minimal cost and labor ? wouldn?t we all.
> Ben 
> benswann at comcast.net
> [Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 12:29:37 -0500
> From: djdawson2 at aol.com
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Euro Lights?
> To: tim.dahm at gmail.com, s-car-list at audifans.com
> Message-ID:
> <8C8006C87509595-754-8268 at FWM-R08.sysops.aol.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Seriously... even if they were the correct lights
> (and they're not), IMO you would be wasting your
> effort.  I have Euros, and run 100W bulbs in all 3
> positions, and they are fully relayed.  It simply
> isn't a big improvement.  I would strongly suggest
> that you simply take your stock setup, and convert
> to the HIDs for your low beams.  This is a much
> better bang for the buck... and apparently doesn't
> make your autocheck system unhappy, and can be done
> with stock wiring.  Jerry Scott did a nice clean
> install with stock wiring.  From what I understand,
> the autocheck is fine, and the only change required
> were larger fuses to handle the increased initial
> current draw.
> Keep in mind that the Euro lights only offer 2
> "benefits."  1 - they allow you to use higher
> wattage bulbs.  2 - they use a different glass lens.
>  Number 1 offers minimal change (at least in my
> car), and number 2 can be installed on your US
> housings.
> Dave]
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