[s-cars] Boost Gauge Install

Brian Armstead barmstea at IBB.GOV
Tue Feb 21 10:13:53 EST 2006


Bob Myers is working his MRC magic on my ECU, and I thought this would
be the ideal time to install a pillar mounted boost gauge.

Jerry Scott was kind enough to send me a guide on installation, but I
have just a few more questions:

*Jerry spoke of a brass t-connector from the ECU to the gauge line. 
I've been looking in local auto parts stores, but can't find one.  Any
source leads?

*The Autometer mechanical gauge lists a connector I should use from the
nylon boost line to the gauge.  Can anyone tell me exactly what I should
use (It did not come with the kit)?

*Is it ok to use small screw clamps on the rubber hose that connects to
the ECU?  I had to cut off the factory crimp to remove the ECU.  Is
there a source for "pro" clamps?  What size?

*Bob's got me a bit worried as he told me I should have a water trap on
my boost line.  My car is a 93, but I don't see one.  Anyone know where
it may be hiding?

*What's the easiest path to route the boost tubing form the ECU to the
driver's A-Pillar?

Thanks in advance,

93 S4
Soon to be super-boosted!!

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