[s-cars] weird windows

djdawson2 at aol.com djdawson2 at aol.com
Thu Feb 23 18:48:24 EST 2006

That power window feature was an option only on the '93 model... and very few of them to boot.  Seriously... never seen/heard that one... but sounds exactly like a bad ground, causing feedback.  I think you're right, and would check the grounds first.
Missing under boost...
First things first... I would buy/install a new set of plugs and a new set of plug boots/connectors before spending another minute trying to look for a bad coil.  The plugs will set you back a few $, and the boots can be had for about $5 each (gprparts.com).  Once those parts are fresh, you can determine if you have a more difficult problem to chase.
Have fun,
-----Original Message-----
From: Eddy Mattice <eddymattice at hotmail.com>
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Sent: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 18:22:24 -0500
Subject: [s-cars] weird windows

1) The power windows. The driver window works perfectly, but when any of the 
other windows are rolled up the remaining two roll down slowly. For example 
if you are rolling up the pass window the two rears roll down slowly but 
only as the pass window reaches the top. If you are rolling up a rear window 
the other rear and the pass roll down but again on as it reaches the top. It 
does not matter which switch you use the drivers control or the individual 
door switches result in the same behaviour. Looking at the Bentley which I 
had to borrow from my dad (a fellow s-car owner) I discovered that the 3 
pass windows all use the same grnd (I believe it was 32 but my memory is 
failing me here) which eventually terminates "behind instrument panel left". 
Anyone shed any light here?? Is this the kick panel grnds or somewhere 
else?? Am I on the right track?? I have some experience and to me it sounds 
like a grnd issue but I could be wrong...
2) Misfire under boost. My dads car and my own s4 both have this. Mine is 
much worse however. Runs fine at idle runs fine at revs only misses under 
high load high boost conditions. Anyone figure out a good way to check these 
coils other than swapping out assemblies. I tested my dads with an adjutable 
gap spark tester and replaced the worst ones and his has been better for a 
while but seems to be worsening again. Thoughts?? P.S. I swapped out the 
P.O.S.s first on my fathers car...

1993 S4
1986 4kstq soon to be parts
1984 Vw Vanagon Westy
1990 Isuzu Trooper (plow)
1986 Cgt (gf's transport)
and some others

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