[s-cars] weird windows

Mark Strangways Strangconst at rogers.com
Thu Feb 23 20:28:31 EST 2006

The Eddie Mattice from southern Ontario ?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eddy Mattice" <eddymattice at hotmail.com>
To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 6:22 PM
Subject: [s-cars] weird windows

> Hey All,
> New to the list and a new s-car owner, although I have been around a few. 
> I
> am a member of the w-t audifans chapter and am part of the sos-cars list.
> Now onto the problems... I recently picked up a 1993 s4, for those who are
> interested it is black on ecru with eibachs/konis samcos and a chip or at
> least something that makes it pull harder than it should... I have two
> issues.
> 1) The power windows. The driver window works perfectly, but when any of 
> the
> other windows are rolled up the remaining two roll down slowly. For 
> example
> if you are rolling up the pass window the two rears roll down slowly but
> only as the pass window reaches the top. If you are rolling up a rear 
> window
> the other rear and the pass roll down but again on as it reaches the top. 
> It
> does not matter which switch you use the drivers control or the individual
> door switches result in the same behaviour. Looking at the Bentley which I
> had to borrow from my dad (a fellow s-car owner) I discovered that the 3
> pass windows all use the same grnd (I believe it was 32 but my memory is
> failing me here) which eventually terminates "behind instrument panel 
> left".
> Anyone shed any light here?? Is this the kick panel grnds or somewhere
> else?? Am I on the right track?? I have some experience and to me it 
> sounds
> like a grnd issue but I could be wrong...
> 2) Misfire under boost. My dads car and my own s4 both have this. Mine is
> much worse however. Runs fine at idle runs fine at revs only misses under
> high load high boost conditions. Anyone figure out a good way to check 
> these
> coils other than swapping out assemblies. I tested my dads with an 
> adjutable
> gap spark tester and replaced the worst ones and his has been better for a
> while but seems to be worsening again. Thoughts?? P.S. I swapped out the
> P.O.S.s first on my fathers car...
> Eddy
> 1993 S4
> 1986 4kstq soon to be parts
> 1984 Vw Vanagon Westy
> 1990 Isuzu Trooper (plow)
> 1986 Cgt (gf's transport)
> and some others
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