[s-cars] My Avant slid off the road and squashed its intercooler!

Paul Heneghan squashstring at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 18:02:50 EST 2006

I'm sorry to report that my Avant is not feeling very well at the moment.
My wife was driving it over a steep hill in the snow.  On the way up, it was
raining lightly, on the way down the far side, it was snowing quite heavily
and the snow was a couple of inches think on the road.  Half way down, she
came across a few stuck cars blocking the road.  To make things worse, the
drivers were out of their cars, and sliding all over the road.  Needless to
say, the brakes locked up and she had a choice between sliding into the
cars/people, or going for the fence.  She went for the fence which luckily
was pretty rotten, but it still took out the LHS headlamp.  Closer
inspection showed that it also mangled the bumper, made a sight dent in the
wing and did unspeakable things to the intercooler.

Anyway, the end result is that it will start and even rev, but not develop
any power.

So, it's being towed to a repair centre tomorrow.  Hopefully it will be some
straightforward plumbing and simple bodywork to get it sorted out.

Now I get to cycle in 0C for the next week or so.  I'm so happy.

1995 S6 Avant (problems breathing)
1996 S6 saloon (reclaimed by my wife now that she's smashed mine)

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