[s-cars] HID Install

Stott Hare stott at gwi.net
Thu Jan 5 11:02:45 EST 2006

This was something I noticed and was happy to discover.  I was concerned 
that if the low beams normally went out when the highs were switched on, 
that I would have an issue with delayed light output while the HIDs 
reignited when the lows were switched back on.  Much happier to see that 
they stay on by design, and that I don't have to add an additional 
relayed circuit to keep them on.

Stott Hare
95 S6A

Mark Strangways wrote:

> Ya I noticed that as well. By design ?
> I would have to think so.
> I will examine the wiring diagrams later
> Mark ----- Original Message ----- From: "Matthew Russell" 
> <skippertgore at msn.com>
> To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 9:24 PM
> Subject: RE: [s-cars] HID Install
>> Mike - I pulled both ground and hot from the main harness connector 
>> going to the exterior of the light.  Instead of notching the cover 
>> and running wires out the side, i drilled with a holesaw for a tight 
>> and clean fit for the rubber grommet to fit perfectly into.  That 
>> flat spot on the cover worked well.  My reason for this was similar 
>> to another lister who posted on audiworld (sorry, name escapes me...) 
>> that if something in the setup blows, i can revert back to the 
>> silverstars with little work.
>> One thing i noticed after is the lows now stay on with the highs... 
>> was this always so? I guess I never noticed.
>> my 0.02
>> -Matt, CO
>> 92 s4,  with H1 HID's.  Oh, and a leaking J-hose.
>> On Wednesday, January 4, 2006, at 03:57  PM, Mike wrote:
>>> I am preparing to do the install of the GP HID's.  Thanks to Lino 
>>> for the
>>> good photos and words showing how painless the install can be.   
>>> Only one
>>> issue remains.  I have the Euro headlights with the H1 low beam 
>>> bulb.  I
>>> have to pick up a ground inside the headlight assembly for the HID
>>> electronics.  It appears that the ground on the existing H1 is a 
>>> crimped
>>> assembly on the bulb holder assembly.  Anyone doing the install have
>>> suggestions where exactly to get a good ground (the brown wires in the
>>> headlight) to attach to the black HID connector?
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