[s-cars] To ceramic coat or not
Serge Filanovsky
s6serge at verizon.net
Thu Jan 5 23:06:16 EST 2006
Jet Hot charges by the foot for our downpipes, or at least that has been my
experience, the biggest hassle is shipping it. I used their "Jet-Hot 2000
gray" extra super duper hi temp coating (inside and out). Cost something
like $80, manifold was $125 or something, this was about 2 years ago. If I
had to do it over I would get their "sterling" finish.
Checking their site reveals that they now offer several other coating
> Depends on how deep your pockets are, there is no downside to ceramic coating
> but it can get expensive. On the other hand so can a cracked manifold or DP
> and if it is ceramic coated on the inside it more than likely won't crack. I
> am ceramic coating my header inside and out for both the protection and
> performance aspect. When I get the money saved I will also do the DP. So
> without directly answering your question, there is my opinion.
> Elijah
> -----Original Message-----
> From: manuelsanchez at starpower.net
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Sent: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 19:45:34 -0500
> Subject: [s-cars] To ceramic coat or not
> S-heads,
> With the recent discussion of ceramic coating, and my recent
> arrival of a new Stromung downpipe, I ask; is it worth putting
> a ceramic coating on the downpipe? Is it too far downstream?
> Somethin' better than nuttin'? My EM came too late for me to
> coat it a while back.
> TIA.
> manny
> Uncoated Flatulence Evacuation System
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