[s-cars] Rockford fosgate

Jason Mawhinney jmawhinney at skybest.com
Sun Jan 8 13:45:08 EST 2006

I'm a little wary of Nak after hearing the trouble a friend had with his. 
It gave up after a week.  I've also heard good things about them though from 
other people but I'm not crazy about spending that much on a deck and 
wondering if it'll last.  I'm a strong believer in Alpine.  I have both 
heard great things about them and the one I have owned, I have had fantastic 
luck with.  I've had it for 4 years and never had a bit of trouble with it. 
If you want to research stereo equipment, a couple great resources are 
www.audioreview.com  and www.epinions.com
Jason Mawhinney
'95.5 S6 avant with Delta Blows system
'87 5ktq with Alpine CDA-7894 that rocks

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Djdawson2 at aol.com>
To: <Strangconst at rogers.com>; <AUDIJIM at aol.com>; <quattro at audifans.com>; 
<s-car-list at audifans.com>; <Audi5TurboTech at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Rockford fosgate

> In a message dated 1/8/2006 11:15:54 AM Mountain Standard Time,
> Strangconst at rogers.com writes:
> My NAK  has never had a problem.  I like it alot.
> Mark  S
> I have 2 Nakamichis... an MB100 and an CD400.  The CD400 has been OK  so 
> far,
> but is in a car that is used very little.  The MB100 (about a $1000
> headunit) failed under warranty in less than 4 months.  It took them 7 
> months (and
> dozens of phone calls) to fix it and return it.  I was  dumbfounded that 
> their
> customer service was so pathetic.
> At my suggestion, a friend bought a CD400, and it died in about 6  months.
> I like the Naks because they are about the only product out there that
> doesn't look ridiculous in the dash of a nice German car.  Virtually all 
> of  their
> products are great looking, and look classy in the dash of a nice  car. 
> They
> also sound phenominal, when they are working.  My statement  was based on
> their aparent bad reliability, and poor service.
> Dave
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