[s-cars] Deleting the Cam Position Sensor??

Dave Forgie forgied at direct.ca
Tue Jan 10 00:45:41 EST 2006

Jack Gagnon mused:

"If the car will run fine as long as it is not turned off, why is the
needed in the first place?  .....  If that is all it does and it is a
royal pita to swap, can it be deleted somehow?"

As per my post yesterday:


there are two inputs to the ECU related to things going around: one is
the crank position sensor G4 (Note: In Deutsche that it is "Geber fur
Zundezeitpunkt" which I translate as sensor for spark timing point); the
other is the cam position sensor, Hallgeber (or Hall sensor).

The way that the ECU is chips are currently configured, both signals are
needed.  The way I understand it, the Cam sensor (with its Hall effect
magnet) tells the ECU that the engine is going around.  Given this
signal, the ECU says, "Alrighty then, I can safely fire the fuel pump
relay J17 via ECU pin T55/3".  By then, the crank position sensor will
have seen the magnet in the flywheel at least once and the ECU will know
where the pistons are, etc. so it can fire the ignition properly.

So given all that, it MIGHT (I stress might) be possible to jumper the
fuel pump relay when the cam position sensor fails and get the car to
start.  It all depends whether the ECU programming has a protocol that
prevents the ignition from firing as well as the fuel pump relay if
there is no cam sensor signal.  If it does have that protocol, then only
somebody who can modify the ECU could get it to work.  This would be
expensive to pay somebody to figure it out.  Easier just to replace the
cam sensor.

IF jumpering the fuel pump does work, at the very least, it should have
to be with a switch.  It would still be a dangerous way to live.  Tony
Curran is working on a solution to find inexpensive Hall senders that
can be riveted onto the AAN CPS bracket. Wiring might be interesting but
given the cost of the CPS, its worth a shot.

Just my thoughts.

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