[s-cars] Re: Link to a Rear Brake Caliper Changing Procedure

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 10 13:19:14 EST 2006

--- Eric Phillips <gcmschemist at gmail.com> wrote:

> Wow - how did I miss that?  It was only two months ago!  I see you did use a
> flare wrench on the bleeder screw.

a box wrench is better.  it completely encloses the hex head.
the flare wrench is used when a brake line prevents you from
using a box wrench.  it's better than an open-end wrench,
but not as good as a box wrench.

> The whole thing seems simple enough to
> me - a matter of having the right tools, the inclination to DIY, and the
> attention to detail required to work on the primary safety system in an
> automobile.


> On a completely unrelated note, I was thinking about your
> UrS-ForgieCoilMod(tm), and your comment about a common ground "rail".  I was
> thinking that maybe straight, whole wire runs, while not as pretty, might
> make for a better electrical set-up, even if you have to have a grounding
> "manifold" somewhere near the firewall.  Less splices mean less places for
> contact to be broken.

the engine itself is grounded.  there's a grounding point
on the back right where the boost hose goes from the moisture
trap to the tee to the manifold.  i remember having to 
disconnect it and move it out of the way while i was replacing


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