[s-cars] Washer Reservior leak

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 11 15:50:03 EST 2006


If it leaks out almost as fast as you can pour it in then
my guess it's the common seam split at the bottom of the

Mine split there and I "repaired" it with marine plastic epoxy.
This "repair" lasted about 18 months and then it started to leak
there again.

My final repair was to replace the tank.

To remove the tank you will need to (this is from memory so I hope it's

1. Remove the hydraulic reservoir from its bracket
2. Unbolt the hydraulic reservoir bracket from the fender. 
3. Unhook the windshield washer feed line
4. Remove I believe 3 screws that hold the tank in place (2 on base and
1 at the corner) 
5. Use a long screwdriver to pop headlight washer pump out of tank.

Assembly is reverse


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