[s-cars] While we are on the subject of WGFVs...

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 11 20:03:53 EST 2006

--- Theodore Chen <tedebearp at yahoo.com> wrote:
> it would be nice to find out what signal is being sent
> to the WGFV.  is the ECU calling for a higher duty cycle
> and not getting it from the WGFV, or is the ECU not asking
> for the higher duty cycle (in which case i need to look at
> sensors)?  but i don't know how to check this with the car
> in operation.  i need a portable oscilloscope, back probes,
> and long wires.

by the way, i just realized that a dwell meter would probably
work.  i don't know how hard it'll be to find one, since
nobody uses points any more.


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