[s-cars] One more for Bill's Top 10 Reasons to take an Urs Avant

Lewis Consulting lewisconsulting at sasktel.net
Thu Jan 19 22:09:18 EST 2006

Great List Bill !!!

Here is one I just thought of.... " $70.00 daily lift tickets for every member of the family seem cheap in comparison to stealer OEM replacement parts" 

Hope all is well, I pity those who don't have the joy of driving our unbelievably icy roads in Saskatchewan.  We have been blessed with above normal temperatures for the past month, lots of snow and freezing rain that has left a 1/8 " of ice on everything.... truly testing quattro and making driving, drifting and sliding a true joy and art form....... thankfully we have not so initiated road crews that give us the opportunity to drive like Colin McCrae !!!!  

take care Bill, 


Lewis Consulting

( (306) 536-8778  

* lewisconsulting at sasktel.net


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