[s-cars] NAC

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 19:56:32 EST 2006

I would have to think (head room for doggies!) that one of
your better bets would be a Subie Forrester (if you want
some fun powah, go for the XT Turbo). I rather doubt that
the Legacy GT Ltd truely has room for the pooches. Better
fuel economy could be had by forgoing the turbos. The
leather on Subies (and the interiors, for that matter) aren't
up to current VAG standards, but as long as the doggies
don't sit on the leather (I imagine you're putting them in
the back) it'll hold up okay.

My only disappointment with the Saabaru is it isn't
as flawless in terms of new car teething troubles as
I expected a Subaru to be. And the car seems to be
a bit more sensitive to the rural cold I've been having
up here than any of the VAG products I've owned since
1985. No show stoppers, but issues nonetheless.

As for Passats, the last generation Passat seems servicable
for my buddy with a pair of under 80 lb German Shedders. Not
sure that a 3rd would fit real well, and compared to your dogs,
I don't think the Sheppards size up. In any event, the car was
bought as a dog transport vehicle with fuel economy in mind,
so they went 1.8T, 5 sp,  4-motion with Leatherette. Unfortunately,
this'd be a hard combination to find on the used market, they
searched for months trying to find one on the new market. I would
say that the Passat's Leatherette is more than likely more
durable than the Subie's Leather, however. Not as supple, but
more durable.

Anyway, my $0.02.

LL - NY - '95.5 //S6 - MRC1, Eibach/Bilstein, ECS 993T Stg 3,
HID(soon)/9011, 17's
              '05 Saabaru 9-2X Aero - Cobbsports Frt SB, BBS RK, dog cage
w/in 6 months

On 1/20/06, Robert Myers <bob at chips-ur-s.com> wrote:
> Hi Y'all,
> The better half is making new car noises.  She wants:
> 1.      A wagon or avant with room for 3 huskies in the back.
> 2.      Leather or leatherette or (gasp) vinyl interior so dawg hair
> won't stick all over everything.
> 3.      stick shift
> 4.      fairly decent fuel economy
> 5.      not horribly expensive, up to maybe a maximum of $35K tops.
> 6.      Not a huge SUV
> She looked at these possibilities among others:
> a passat wagon
> a subaru - several flavors if interior meets hair criterion
> Recommendations re: these models and/or others which might be suitable?
> Bob
> http://chips-ur-s.com
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