[s-cars] RE: FW: [urq] Wheel Offset Question
pkrasusky at ups.com
pkrasusky at ups.com
Mon Jan 23 09:40:57 EST 2006
I'm replying to you with a 'cc' to the S-car-list. Those with responses
can email you direct.
If you're nutz and decide to do the clutch I say Centerforce, seeing as
you thought your (previous) A4's SPEC III was too sticky. Others here
can further instruct you more appropriately.
Story is Andrew's 95.5 went to shop with pedal to floor Friday (after
I'd made mere mention of his clutch MC), it snapped the clevis link in
pedal cluster like so many of them. Shop says stiff clutch caused it
and says do clutch. Er, yeah, ok.
I say get it out of there and weld the link and be done. But Andrew may
agree with clutch route regardless, thinking 130k is about time anyway
and is looking for input. He's not much into doing the LWFW for another
$700, so he'd be keeping the dual masser.
'95 //S6 - 6spd / SPEC stage 2.5 / LWFW / SSK - 'tis fun Andrew - look
away from the light / bury your wallet
'84 4kq - clutch grabs off carpet's pile
-----Original Message-----
From: Halsted, Andrew [mailto:AHalsted at IKON.com]
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 9:31 AM
To: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)
Subject: RE: FW: [urq] Wheel Offset Question
gonna start looking for clutches right now. Recommendations?
Clutchmaster? Stock? Centerforce?
-----Original Message-----
From: pkrasusky at ups.com [mailto:pkrasusky at ups.com]
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 9:24 AM
To: Halsted, Andrew
Subject: RE: FW: [urq] Wheel Offset Question
BwHA! Now that's my kind of friend. Wow. Sucker!
Four words:
Heh heh. Well then, seems you will be taking me for a blast in it
sometime this week then yes.
Biggest lame part about your car being in shop right now... snow
deprivation. Entire reason to have these cars. Speed limit in unplowed
fast lane commute again this a.m., as always. Sorta almost feel bad for
the poor bastards I'm passing going 25 in other 2 lanes, tossing a
gigantor ROOSTER TAIL of slushation all over them as I wail on by.
You want a giggle, go for a ride with me in the 4kq. Wrong just so very
wrong in the snow.
So, Clutchy McClutchclutch... whatchya gonna do with your situation?
Put a 6spd in while the box is out. Wus-say. Heh heh.
OK, really, you better go there, remove shift linkage off box, and bring
it to me to fill with buckshot for weighting. Now is the time, don't be
-----Original Message-----
From: Halsted, Andrew [mailto:AHalsted at IKON.com]
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 9:16 AM
To: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)
Subject: RE: FW: [urq] Wheel Offset Question
FYI - My friend loaned me his ZO6 all week. Obviously not out in it
today but it is in my garage as we speak. Picked it up last night.
-----Original Message-----
From: pkrasusky at ups.com [mailto:pkrasusky at ups.com]
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 8:49 AM
To: Halsted, Andrew
Subject: FW: FW: [urq] Wheel Offset Question
Dude, I told you I have psychic powers... look what time I wrote Bob
this on Friday. Eerie... ("IIRC" is if I recall correctly)
-----Original Message-----
> From: pkrasusky at ups.com [mailto:pkrasusky at ups.com]
> Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 10:29 AM
> To: r0ssat0_987 at att.net
> Subject: RE: FW: [urq] Wheel Offset Question
> Yep, your Jhose will leak and your MC will fail. Brian's did
> recently,
> and I think (IIRC) Andrew's as well. Both pedals to floor.
> I told them
> to look at linkage but heard no more after that.
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