[s-cars] HVAC 801 Error Code ?

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Tue Jul 4 19:18:54 EDT 2006

It's too hot to be out working on the a/c system, Charlie.

Part of this plain English lesson is that the recommended corrective
steps are in that same section of the Bentley in pretty good english.

Causes:  too much refrigerant pressure in a/c system, possibly over- 
( doubtful since it sounds like the system hasn't been serviced  
recently), bad
connection to the switch from corroded connector or break in wire, or  

This switch is on the left side of the condenser near bottom.  It  
switches off
the compressor clutch if it detects abnormally high refrigerant  
The high pressure switch for the fan is nearby.  It turns on the fan  
to 2nd
speed when it detects operating refrigerant pressure.

You can check this problem on the climate control head by holding in the
recirc button and then the up arrow then releasing both at the same  
It should show 01c which is channel one.  Press recirc to display codes.
Then + to go to other channels.  You should see 22.3 displayed as the
malfunction code on channel one.  The entire procedure is in Audifans.

Now, when you find the fault, all you have to do is fix it.

HTH  Stay cool


Charlie writes:
> Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2006 16:36:00 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Charlie Smith <charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org>
> Subject: [s-cars] HVAC 801 Error Code?
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com (Audi S Car List)
> Cc: Charlie Smith <charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org>
> Message-ID: <200607042036.k64Ka502023448 at elektro.cmhnet.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> This is on a '95 S6 which uses 134.
> Is there a plain English meaning for the 801 error code?
> Bentley says that this is caused by the AC refrigerant high  
> pressure switch.
> When the snowflake light is on, in the center console display, I'm  
> pretty
> sure from sounds that the compressor is on.  The snowflake light  
> cycles
> off and on resulting in a 801 code being stored.  This seems to happen
> when it's 85F or more outside (of course).  At lower outside  
> temperatures,
> the AC seems to work fine.
> Lacking any great lightning flash of wisdom, I'm going to take it to
> my local friendly AC shop ...   { mutter, mutter ... }
>     - Charlie


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