[s-cars] Subaru Intercooler question - Add a fan?

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Wed Jul 12 14:49:46 EDT 2006

The Spec-C comes from the factory with a 12-14L (I can't remember the exact
size) water tank in the trunk, it will bolt in like it's meant to be there.
Change the plumbing from external spray to something like the Aquamist
sprayer (water injection). You'll see a huge difference in intake temps. Use
windshield washer fluid and it won't grow any bacteria or whatever while it
sits in the tank and the additional methanol will cool the charge even


On 7/11/06, chris chambers <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Friend of mine owns an STI, he's contemplating adding
> some sort of fan to blow through his intercooler in an
> attempt to lower intake temps.
> Questions are:
> 1. would this actually lower intake temps during stop n go driving?
> 2. Are there any good fans that are 6 1/2 in diamter max?
> Muchos gracias
> Chris
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