[s-cars] Codes

Robert Myers bob at chips-ur-s.com
Sat Jul 22 18:30:30 EDT 2006

Hi Y'all,

Finally got my urS6 (RS2) back from the body shop after Bambi 
bloodied Ms. Mippy's nose.  Looks good.  :-)

I had a meeting today about 200 miles from home.  Found that as the 
car started getting good and hot there was a stumble whenever boost 
got above a threshold (sorry - gauge isn't in the car so I don't know 
the threshold level) and more go pedal didn't produce more go.  In 
fact the engine would lose enough power that the car would slow down 
unless I backed off the loud pedal.  CEL came on.

Later, on the way back home the car was very hard to get up over a 
long grade but managed the climb at about 40 mph at the top.  Then 
the engine died while I was about 100 miles from home - Oh 
Joy.  :-(  Pulled over onto the shoulder, sat there for long enough 
to roll down the windows and decided to try the starter.  It fied 
right up and ran fairly well for a while.  Was able to cruise at 
about 80-85 until climbing another grade.  Frustrating drive.  :-(

Anyway, when I got home I fired up VAG-COM and got these codes (with 
the engine still running - I didn't shut it off after I got home):

1.      00537 - Lambda (OXS) Regulation
         08-10 - Control Limit Surpassed - Intermittent

2.      00561 - Mixture Adaptation
         12-10 - Adaptation Limit (Mul) Exceeded - Intermittent

3.      00513 - Engine Speed Sensor (G28)   [note the engine was 
idling at this time]
         27-10 - Implausible Signal - Intermittent

The car: RS2 turbo, EM, RS2 injectors, FMIC, MRC RS2 software.  Bosch 
F5PDOR plugs of unknown age.

Any ideas?

urS6 for sale: http://chips-ur-s.com/S6.html

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