[s-cars] Another 1.8t coil pack conversion failure (if any) question

DGraber460 at aol.com DGraber460 at aol.com
Sun Jul 30 13:46:35 EDT 2006

In a message dated 7/30/2006 11:17:36 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time,  
forgied at direct.ca writes:

IF you  had a 1.8t 115L coilpack  failure, please let us (me) know  which
cylinder (1 is at the front, 5 is at the back) and which way the coil  pack
plug was facing(NE, SE, SW if the front of the car is N and the back  is

I am wondering whether No. 5 is prone to failure when it is  in the SE or
SW configuration (mine faces NE and the wiring loops around to  the S).  It
could be that when No. 5 is pointed SW or SE , there is  too much heat
trapped around the coil pack head, and/or the coil pack head  is in contact
with the cam cover, leading to too much heat in the coil pack  head,
killing it prematurely.

Its just an earlier theory based on  two results:  Marc Swanson and Corey
over on the S2 forum (who is a  034Motorsports dealer and purposely ran his
Javad's plug and play UNDER the  OE coil pack cover to see how long the
coil packs would last - about 7000  miles and then No. 5 died.

This is why the factory has an R&D  dept.

Dave  F.
S-CAR-List mailing  list
S-CAR-List at audifans.com

I had an early (~4-5k miles) failure with the #5 unit facing SE (aimed at  
the passenger firewall).
I had also run the OE cover for the first 2k miles.
Now have a spare in the trunk and am still quite happy with the conversion.  
I can replace a large number of coils and still have saved major $$.


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