[s-cars] 1.8Tcoil pack symptoms

John Tilden j.n.tilden at comcast.net
Thu Jun 1 02:20:26 EDT 2006

My car, after the 1.8 T coil conversion, has been dying after running on
warm days,
It starts to die at stop lights and as the car slows between shifts and then
finally dies an refuses to start again until it has cooled off.

It started doing this immediately after the update, I was/am convinced it
has nothing to do with the coils, but my mechanic is convinced it is due to
the coil swap.

We replaced both the timing sensors at the flywheel and I got a good week
plus out of it before it died again, of course today was the hottest day in
a week in Seattle, you know, 75F!

It appears to lose spark, fuel pressure is OK, but no spark until cool down.

I haven't notice the cold start problem that others are reporting.
I have removed the Coil cover.

Any ideas?


John Tilden
1995.5 S6 Avant Europa Blue
Bellevue WA
j.tilden at verizon.net

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