[s-cars] 1.8T coil pak conversion update

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Fri Jun 16 13:11:48 EDT 2006

Craig coined and Doug kudo'ed:

<<<Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 13:27:08 -0400
From: Douglas Gray <dgray.bos at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [s-cars] 1.8T coil pak conversion update
To: "lebakken1 at netzero.net" <lebakken1 at netzero.net>


. . .  ROTFLOL! Rossatobin!!  
A new technical term for storage that will indubitably become de rigeur 
for the IT world if ever they read this forum.  I'm surprised that Taka 
has not encountered this in his search for the perfect RAID solution.


Bwhaahahaha, same here.  Love it.  Good one Craig, and ditto that Doug.
In Bobbo's case, "Rossatobin" is defined as an entire circa 1960s
colonial residence in the woods of Granby, CT.  

I have my own definition...  "Rossatobin":  where new parts go to die.
You'd be astounded if you had the capacity to fully understand the
breadth and depth of his sicness.  It's sic, sicsicsic.  Every cool
part, known to man.  And then some.  Mindbending, I tell you.

And you all haven't even scratched the surface here.  Rossatobin
includes parts for der UrS, der Corrado SLC, and now der 4kq.  The
latter he's begun Rossatoing in earnest since his recent acquisition
(which he drove back from TX to CT - alone).  There's got to be a
'Rossatoism' for that one I'm sure.  Baloney?

Blob...  gotta love him.  Risen to fame in his insanity.  So glad I
outted him!!!  8-)  Quite possibly one of the nicest, coolest, most
selfless beings I've come across.  Domo Oregato, Mr. Rossato.  Someone
here join him for his upcoming solo drive out to Indy already?!??  I did
2 years ago, installed his 6spd in route we did heh heh.  Good times...

-Paul quite possibly *not* one of the nicest, coolest, most selfless
beings you'll come across K.
CT home of *the* Rossatobin
'95 //S6 - lotsa parts installed - by Bob

p.s.  welcome back Doug, long time...

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