[s-cars] Was Bad CPS - Now No Compression or Spark

HOOG23 at aol.com HOOG23 at aol.com
Mon Jun 19 20:25:25 EDT 2006

So by the time I got in touch with the Service Advisor to arrange having  the 
car towed to my independent mechanic they were already in the midst of  
replacing the sensor.  The SA again swore up and down that there was no  other way 
to change it.
So right before I am about to head home from work the SA calls to tell me  
that it still will not start.  He says it has no spark.  He said that  the coils 
checked out OK.  He also said that they checked the compression  and it came 
up only 35-70 lbs in each cylinder.  He did say that the fluids  looked clean 
and the (straight) valves and camshaft look almost new so they do  not 
understand why so low.  Car just turned 82k miles and was running  strong.
WTF?  Did they put the belt on wrong?  Note that car died about 5  mins after 
going at it hard with a STI on the local parkway.  Car did not  die all of a 
sudden but check engine light came on and I felt a loss of power  and car 
completely died after limping about another mile.  Once car cooled  down I still 
could not start it.

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