[s-cars] Rear Calipers Seized My Day

Brian Powell powellb at gmail.com
Sun Jun 25 16:13:37 EDT 2006

So, I now suffer from the dreaded rear caliper seize. I removed the
spring, popped out the cam, cleaned it, lubed it, pushed it in, popped
it out numerous times. I can turn it with my hand; however, once I
engage/disengage the emergency brake, it still won't release.

I can reach up there, turn it slightly (about 1mm) with my finger and
then it is released; however, the spring can't seem to get it that
extra 1mm. The e-brake cable seems loose enough.

I have to fly out in the morning so I can't spend any more time on it;
however, whilst it sits for a while, I will use that time to figure
out my next move. Rebuilt calipers? Try to repair it myself? It just
seems like if the spring had another 1-2 pounds of force, it would get
the cam fully open and there wouldn't be a problem. Does this mean the
piston itself is "sticking?"

Thanks for your wisdom, oh might list.


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