[s-cars] Tired and Frustrated

calvinlc at earthlink.net calvinlc at earthlink.net
Fri Jun 30 18:52:04 EDT 2006

Have any of you with this condition checked your fuel pressure under the WOT
condition?  This would be one place I would think about next....the FPR may
be going south.  I like someone's previous thought about the WOT switch
indication...I thought this was just a POT like most other modern cars but I
could be wrong.  If it is a POT that is used to indicate throttle position
then it could be opening up on one of the legs at the extreme end of travel
indicating basically the same thing as a closed position on the throttle to
the ECU.  I guess that's my only 2 guesses for now.

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of brian hoeft
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 3:31 PM
To: Kevin Barnett
Cc: quattroPreservationSociety at yahoogroups.com; Lance Russell;
s-car-list; Jason Mawhinney
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Tired and Frustrated

sounds very much like my condition, though i believe mine to be more boost
level related and not so much RPM related.

i match your list of tested/replaced/fixed with the only other difference
being my use of dahlback programming.

in addition, i have also replaced my wastegate diaphragm AND im looking at a
year as opposed to 6 months so consider yourselef lucky there.

BIG_UP to mark at hess' copy center.. about an hour ago i just picked up
(for $7.79) my freshly bound/double side printed copy of VAG-COM's printable
manual.  out of those 75 pages, im going to be in the 'measuring block' and
'data logging' sections quite a bit with hopes of better diagnosing whether
im looking at a air, fuel or boost issue.

if you have the cables you might benefit from doing the same.

good luck to us both.

equally frustrated, //brian

On 6/30/06, Kevin Barnett <bluevr6 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Ok, so for 6 months, I have been dealing with poor
> running condition.
> Current behavior: At anything other than WOT, car
> pulls fine and revs to redline with power. At WOT,
> miss above 4000 rpm.  Also regardless of throttle
> position, there is a stumble at 2000 rpm
> (intermittantly).
> Replaced:
> Spark plugs
> plug boots
> cps
> bypass valve
> (all the timing belt stuff)
> Engine speed sensor
> Fuel filter
> Tested with known good:
> Stock computer
> PSO / POS's off good running car
> entire coil rack off good running car
> MAF (with new one)
> Intake air charge sensor
> throttle position sensor
> Have fixed:
> Several vacumn leaks
> replaced most hose clamps with Breeze Clamps
> Car currently equipped:
> IA Stage 3+ (chips + 3.0 bar pressure tranducer)
> Hoppen upgraded hoses
> Stratmosphere Bypass valve
> Checked:
> all boost and vacumn hose clamps for tightness (both
> cold and hot)
> moisture trap (bone dry)
> Boost and vacumn with mechanical guage
> computer codes (none)
> Fuel pressure (within spec)
> Cleaned out:
> Throttle body
> intercooler
> hoses (including cross over tube)
> Turbo has little to no shaft play.
> Fine film of oil on cold side.
> What do I need to be looking at for high RPM miss if
> not ignition or fuel supply?
> Anybody in North Cackalacki got a Mity-Vac I can
> borrow?
> Thanks,
> Kevin
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