[s-cars] FMIC revisited

Joe Pizzimenti joe.pizzimenti at gmail.com
Fri Mar 3 14:01:41 EST 2006

I think you're nuts.

The length in piping, IMO, is far outweighed by keeping a heat exchanger on
top of a hot engine.  Heat rises and there is no way that it's getting out
of there without taking the hood off.  Nothing will replace direct airflow
when you're talking about an air-air heat exchanger, period.  I don't care
how short the piping is, if you're not taking the heat out, there's no point
in it.


On 3/3/06, Taka Mizutani <t44tqtro at gmail.com> wrote:
> Brian, Dave, Hap, whoever:
> Have you seen any boost threshold changes with the FMIC? I'm wondering how
> the increase in intake tract affect boost threshold and overall turbo lag.
> That's one reason I've not gone to a FMIC in my car.
> Also, what is your intake tract plumbing like? I saw Hap's post where the
> throttle body points toward the front and the intercooler piping looks
> relatively short. On the other extreme, if you preserve the throttle body
> position and the intake pipe on a 3B/WR type 20vt, you end up with a ton
> of
> intake piping.
> I have the same issue as the 3B with the insane amount of plumbing
> involved
> with a boxer 4.
> Taka
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