[s-cars] STILL no heat!!!!

Rich Assarabowski konecc at snet.net
Sat Mar 4 19:08:50 EST 2006


At the risk of stating the obvious, after you installed the new flap motors,
did you make sure they operated correctly?  All the linkages installed OK?
Could you see them move from one end to the other as you changed the heater
settings?  As you know the temperature one is under the hood and is
relatively easy to get at, your linkage may be slipping or binding, worth
looking at again.  The footwell/defrost ones are buried under the dash and
are a major PITA.

Any fault codes being thrown?  Have you checked all the diagnostics that are
available on the heater control unit?

-- Rich 

>Engine temp is normal. Yea, with the fan on the lowest setting but with the
heat on I get a little heat and if I turn the >temp down I get cold. As soon
as I raise the fan speed I just get cold air. 

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