[s-cars] new car - a few misc quesitons

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 8 01:35:46 EST 2006

--- Robert Rossato <r0ssat0_987 at att.net> wrote:

> Welcome to the club, Chuck.
> Not sure on the filters as I've always gotten them via mail order.  If
> you're looking to absolutely do the oil change this weekend then maybe
> your dealer is your best bet for now and then buy a bunch mail
> order/online to stock up for the future.

i've been using purolator oil filters.


i buy the pureone filters, but sometimes pep boys is out of those,
so sometimes i use proline, which is a rebranded purolator premium
filter at a slight discount.  i've already cut it open and compared
it to a purolator premium to verify that they are the same.  purolator
is good enough to be an OEM supplier to toyota, GM, ford, daimlerchrysler,
subaru, etc.

that being said, i did buy a batch of mann filters for the biturbo S4
off ebay, but that was because i got a good price on them.  otherwise,
the biturbo S4 would be getting purolator, too.

i would never put a fram oil filter on any car i cared about keeping.
fram isn't cheaper than proline, so i don't see any reason to buy fram.

BTW, mann just announced that it's buying the purolator business:

> The IR keyless entry is pretty anemic to begin with.  I need to be no
> more than a few feet away for it to work.  Have you put in new
> batteries?  There are 4 batteries in the key.  Also, if it's been longer
> than 7 days since the keyless entry has been used, i.e. car parked for a
> while, then you need to unlock and lock the car with the key first to
> reinitiate it.  But I assume you would have had to that already.  Also,
> take a look at Charlie's page on the keyless entry system and there
> might be something there that helps.
> (http://www.elektro.com/~audi/memory/)  Buying a new would be a last
> resort, unless you want a spare.

install a car alarm with remote keyless entry system and use it to
activate/deactivate your factory alarm.  that's what i did.  search the
archives for discussion on this.

> Your oil gauge is operating properly.  Audis and VWs tend to run fairly
> high oil pressures.  Obviously this will be dependant on the viscosity
> of oil you use, but typically it would be above 5 bar.  Given the high
> pressures it always baffled me as to why Audi always spec'd out a 5 bar
> gauge when normal operating pressures are higher than that.  I've seen
> VW use both 5bar and 10bar gauges.  My VW Corrado VR6 has a 10 bar gauge
> standard and it typically runs around 8 bar at cruising rpms and drops
> down to about 2 bar at idle.



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