[s-cars] 92 S4 Heater Core / Heater Box

Dan Smisko smisko at mindspring.com
Fri Mar 10 14:10:41 EST 2006

A summary of my Audiland heater core adventure:

 >> Got a replacement heater core for a 92 S4 from The Parts Connection.
 >> The core fits, but the hose connections are too small.

Kevin Day wrote:
> I bought a heater core from autohausaz.com that fit correctly. About
> $50 as I recall.

Well, Autohaus AZ sold me the wrong part, too.  It is a Meyle
brand part, but the box says "Made in China" or "Made in Asia" -
I forget now.  Their part number is 443 819 031C, which Autohaus says
supercedes 443 819 030, which is my original PN.  So I ordered the
original PN from the dealer, and it fits.  Sent other part back to
Autohaus, which they readily refunded.

I also asked Scott Mockry, and he says:

"I only show one heater core 443 819 030 with 18 dia pipes for all
the Audi 5000/100/200/S4/S6/V8 vehicles between 1978-1997"

Audi has 443 819 030 cores with 20mm pipes, so something is strange here.

The parts guy told me that the I5 has a different core than the V6.

>> Second, does anybody know the part number of the gasket between
>> the heater box and firewall? I've gotten two parts from the
>> dealer so far, both wrong.
> 431 819 225

Perfect.  Thanks.

Dan Smisko

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