[s-cars] MRC Chip = Red Rocket!

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Fri Mar 10 18:28:50 EST 2006

Perhaps I am totally mistaken on this issue, but I thought that you didn't
a stiffer wastegate spring on the AAN engine due to the difference in
control versus something like the old MC engine- the pressure is applied on
opposite side of the wastegate.

I have read that a faster acting wastegate solenoid does ramp the boost up
so that would accomplish the same thing.

I don't really like the idea of a stiffer wastegate spring solely because in
the event
of a major malfunction, isn't it a really bad idea to be able to allow
higher boost if
all the electronic controls fail?

I guess that really wouldn't happen unless you happened to drive by when I'm
my anti-traffic enforcement EMP generator. :-)


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