[s-cars] misfire leads to ECU blown fuse

bill mahoney airbil at gmail.com
Sat Mar 11 02:35:37 EST 2006

Paul K'd
So I just got a call from an 'anonymous' lister (we'll call him Bill P.
- no - B. Perron that's better), stuck on roadside en-route to a ski
weekend.  Figured I'd post this to give him a homework headstart upon
his return 8-).

He said his car began to misfire, then immediately stalled and would not
start.  No CEL comes on, ala, blown ECU fuse likely.  Least it failed
local and not up in East Bumblefark Maine.

The question is, what blew it?  '95 Avant mit 90k, original coils and
POS's.  When I fried my ECU fuse it was due to breaks in the insulation
on the wires coming out of the (loaned) coilpack cover grounding out.
Wondering what caused his, as that's low miles for such failure, and for
it to happen so fast.  Instant miss, instant failure.

Any insight appreciated, by Bill at least!

-Paul BTDT no thanks again K.

>>>.... IME this is a classic blown coil shorted to ground ...
solution is to determine which is coil is blown and replace.
Insert new IIRC 15amp blue fuse third from left above ecu.  Disconnect
coil pack #1 ... turn on ignition.  If car starts... that is the
busted coil... no start = another blown fuse and then repeat the
procedure with coil number two and so on.
I have subesquently replaced all coils, individually fused each coil
pack and now live with some ugly looking yellow fuse holders to avoid
a future urStrandedation.
Bill latenite M

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