[s-cars] Las Vegas

John Farr alightman at earthlink.net
Sun Mar 12 23:26:57 EST 2006

I'm thinking of attending the ACNA driving school in Vegas in April.  
Although a long time lister, I've never been to a track event before.  
Kind of sparse here in Utah. A few questions for you wise men of  
	-A helmet is required. What kind of helmet?
	-Is it worthwhile as a rookie?
	-Should I plan on wasting a set of tires?
	-What are the insurance implications of a worst case scenario? (from  
a bent fender to upside       	 down)
	-Which car should I take, the old one ('93 S4) or the new one ('02  
S6)? Probably depends on
	 the answer to the above question.
Thanks for any input, sorry to be such a newb.

John Farr

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