[s-cars] Las Vegas

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Mon Mar 13 08:36:18 EST 2006

John- My reply is interspersed within your post:

On 3/12/06, John Farr <alightman at earthlink.net> wrote:
> I'm thinking of attending the ACNA driving school in Vegas in April.
> Although a long time lister, I've never been to a track event before.
> Kind of sparse here in Utah. A few questions for you wise men of
> listdom:
>         -A helmet is required. What kind of helmet?

Snell SA rated 2000 or newer, I'd recommend getting a SA 2005 if you're
buying now.

        -Is it worthwhile as a rookie?

Is it worthwhile to do a driving school? Absolutely. It's a real eye-opener
when you can safely explore the limits of your car. It will give you a lot
more confidence during your regular drive, IMO.

        -Should I plan on wasting a set of tires?

You won't kill your tires unless you're driving recklessly. It's best NOT to
try and push yourself too hard, especially when you're inexperienced.

        -What are the insurance implications of a worst case scenario? (from
> a bent fender to upside          down)

You can buy event insurance for these types of events if you're concerned
about loss.  Some companies will cover your car, some will not and some may
cover a loss and then cancel your policy.

        -Which car should I take, the old one ('93 S4) or the new one ('02
> S6)? Probably depends on
>          the answer to the above question.

IMO, you should take the car that you prefer to drive. Your '02 S6 Avant is
going to be  much harder on brakes and tires due to its higher curb weight
and automatic transmission.

Keep a few things in mind:
-It's not a race, do not try to race people, this is supposed to be
educational, take it easy until you're somewhat acclimated
-Listen to what your instructor says- his/her instructions may not be
intuitive to you
-Do not worry about other people's performance, who's faster, etc.
-Keep in mind that you need to be able to drive yourself home, so don't
crash. :-)
-You don't need to show in in a full driving suit, driving shoes, etc.


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